Unlike residential or even commercial fencing, ag fences—typically ranching fence installations—must serve active functional purposes, as well as passive ones. What this means is that in addition to presenting a barrier to or from land, they also have to stand strong against forces that are actively trying to penetrate that barrier: namely livestock!
To ensure ranchers are able to achieve peace of mind about the perimeter of their land, there are a number of different types of ranch fences in Carlsbad, NM to choose from, based on your livestock and location. Let’s take a look at some of the most common:
- 3- or 4-rail: As the name implies, these fences have three or four cross sections of planking that serve to form a barrier. These fences can come in vinyl or wood. They have minimal maintenance costs and can be visually appealing when installed properly, however they can be quite expensive upfront. They’re ideal for small to medium livestock, such as sheep.
- Woven wire: This type of fencing looks like barbed wire, however it lacks the barbs, making it much less inherently dangerous. In some cases barbed wire may be installed at the top for added protection. Woven wire is some of the quickest fencing to install and has a a range of applications, making it a cheap and effective way to contain smaller livestock. The drawback is that it has a high introductory cost and more maintenance over time, increasing the overall lifetime cost.
- Smooth and barbed wire: These two types of fencing are quite common for larger livestock such as cows and horses, and they fall at two ends of the spectrum. Smooth wire is great for horses; barbed wire is great for cows. Both of these wired options have a low introductory cost and low upkeep, making them the quickest and longest lasting solutions. The drawback is that they can pose trouble for general wildlife and aren’t suitable for smaller animals.
- Jackleg fencing: This style of fencing looks like an old army barricade, however it’s a great solution for keeping larger livestock in place. This fencing is best used in areas where the earth is too strong to drive posts or where eroded terrain might quickly make traditional fencing unstable. High labor and material costs will prevent many ranchers from using this style of fencing, but those who do will see great longevity.
- Poultry netting: Exclusively for use with small chickens and ducks, this mesh fabricated fencing option is great for keeping small livestock enclosed, as well as wildlife exclusion. The drawback on this style of fence is that it’s relatively flimsy and will be easily destroyed by anything larger than fowl. Frequent monitoring and maintenance are also key and will usually incite maintenance costs.
There are numerous variations of these core fencing options as well—electrified fences, steel pole fencing and ribbon fencing, to name a few. Understanding what type of ranch fences in Carlsbad, NM will best benefit you comes down to knowing the pros and cons of each and what your intended application is!