When considering options for residential fences in Carlsbad, NM, it is understandable that you may wish to save costs. Good fences make good neighbors, but they can also challenge the budget. Sometimes it may be tempting to just repair a fence when, in actuality, it can be more cost effective in the long run to build a new one. Here are four signs your old fence may need a replacement.
1. Damage from pests
If you suffer termite damage or locate some other type of infestation, it is likely that it is not limited to just one panel of your fence. Insects are very efficient and can travel quickly. There may not be a large colony in other parts of your fence, but there is enough for it to grow and cause a larger problem.
When you find any type of infestation, it is best practice to spray for insects and then replace the fence. Just be sure the problem is under control before your build the new fence or you may encounter it again.
2. Changing needs
When your original fence was built, you may have had a kid-free, dog-free home. Or your neighbors enjoyed that existence, only to grow into a family of five kids and three dogs. A previous quiet neighbor may move and be replaced by someone who has backyard barbecues every weekend, complete with loud music and even noisier conversation. That see-through chain link fence may just not meet your needs anymore.
Just as you may need to make other changes to your home as life circumstances and your environment evolve, so you may also need another kind of fence. More durability, better privacy and even more openness can be desired at different times in your home-owning experience.
3. Continuing failures
If you end up repairing the same section or gate several times, or if the fence experiences the same type of failure throughout, it is likely time to cut your losses. Repair expenses can increase and go beyond the cost to replace your fence. When it gets to a point that you are spending most of your time in your yard repairing your fence, it may be time to consider a new one.
4. Change in landscaping
Your old fence style may have worked just fine when your yard was mainly one giant dog run or children’s playground. However, the kids may have moved out, or perhaps you no longer keep a dog. Now, you create a quiet oasis that can include new landscaping. With these changes, you may want a fence that is more attractive, offers more privacy or matches the new layout better.
Residential fences in Carlsbad, NM serve many functions during the time you own your home. Once, you may have had gates to help your kids interact with others, chain link to keep in a dog or a certain wood or texture to match your yard’s layout. Perhaps you like your current fence just fine, but termites or weather have left it less sturdy.
Guadalupe Mountain Fencing, LLC is here to help you, whether your fence just needs repairs or you require a complete replacement. Contact us today to see what we can do for you.